Debunking most popular myths about nutrition

Are low fat dairy products healthy? Many consumers answer this question in the affirmative. Most fat-free products are common in the dairy segment. 0% body fat is nothing more than a marketing ploy to attract an audience. As a rule, the difference in calorie content is small, since all additives designed to compensate for the taste differences between regular and low-fat products have their own calories, so, ultimately, the losing weight consumer does not gain anything. In addition, the lack of fat entails a deterioration in the taste of the product.

Proper nutrition is not tasty

This is the most common nutrition myth. Many are accustomed to salt, pepper, deep-fry and completely stop enjoying the true taste of food. You can cook the same steamed minced chicken cutlets and bake potatoes. Look for healthy alternatives, use herbs, spices, try new foods and cook them in different ways.

Snacking is not healthy

Snacking is not harmful if you do it consciously. All the harm to the figure and digestion in biting lies in the fact that a person eats automatically, without taking into account the calorie content and usefulness of the product, and, moreover, without considering food at all.
For example, around one in the afternoon you feel a slight hunger and decide to have a snack. If the hand reaches for something like cookies, sweets, cheese, chocolate, etc., then such a snack will really not bring any benefit to the body and figure. If, having experienced hunger, you choose a healthy low-calorie snack for yourself (a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt with bran, fruit, etc.) – there will only be more healthy!

Bananas make you gain weight

Bananas are indeed a high-calorie product (90 kcal per 100 grams of product), but in addition to sugars, this product is a source of zinc, iron, folic acid and calcium, potassium, B vitamins and fiber. Tasty, ripe fruits give us a boost of energy, and due to the presence of tryptophan in them, which in our body turns into the well-known “hormone of joy” serotonin, they can be considered a real antidepressant.
It all depends on the intensity of banana consumption. If you eat one banana 2-3 times a week, there will be no harm to the figure and can be also healthy.

A glass of juice is more healthy than fresh fruit

The statement is true only on one side: for a quick “recharge” with vitamins and minerals, it is indeed much easier to drink juice than to eat a kilogram of carrots. Freshly squeezed juices deliver valuable nutrients to our body in the form in which they are best absorbed. However, vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the body and improves its functioning, so it is more healthy.
The body spends a lot of energy, effort and time on their digestion. But juices are absorbed very quickly, and the digestive system practically does not make any effort to do this. Valuable dietary fiber remains in the juice after juicing. In parallel with juices, you need to eat a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.